Welcome to, where manga and webcomic creators can publish their work and monetize it through the use of ZANDI coins.

As a creator, you have the option to lock your episodes with a ZANDI Wall, which means you decide on the price it costs for readers to access each episode of your manga or webcomic. The maximum price for each episode is 50 ZANDI, unless you become an Original OKIDA Creator, where you will be able to put any price per chapter.

For every ZANDI spent on your chapters, you will keep 50% of the total amount. These ZANDI can be converted into USD every 30 days by submitting your Paypal email to us. Keep in mind that if you do not submit your Paypal email within the 30 days, you will lose all ZANDI generated during that timeframe.

It's important to note that each ZANDI is worth USD $0.01. This means that if you set the price for an episode at 50 ZANDI, it will cost the reader $0.50 to access it.

As a marketing strategy, we recommend that you do not lock your first 10 chapters and allow readers to access them for free. This will give them a taste of your work and encourage them to continue reading and potentially pay for future episodes.

To activate the ZANDI Wall on your episodes, simply edit your current series and add a ZANDI cost per chapter. You can then activate the ZANDI Wall on each of your chapters manually, either at the creation of the chapter or by editing the chapter.

We recommend that you have at least 15 panels in each chapter to activate a ZANDI Wall. Shorter episodes may have less success with readers who are willing to pay for them. The goal is to keep your readers entertained and wanting more, so it's important to provide them with a satisfactory amount of content.

We hope this tutorial has helped you understand how the ZANDI system works on We wish you the best of luck in your journey as a manga or webcomic creator on our platform.

To learn how to purchase ZANDI, make sure to read our TUTORIAL